for patients

Is Brachytherapy Right for Me?

Reasons to Consider Brachytherapy Treatment

Not only is brachytherapy very effective in treating cancer, but it’s a minimally invasive procedure that enables patients to get back to life sooner with minimal disruption.

  • Radiation is delivered from inside the body precisely to the tumor, minimizing exposure to nearby organs or tissue.
  • Treatment time is short — anywhere from one to five days.
  • In most cases, it can be performed as an outpatient procedure, avoiding the need for an overnight hospital stay.
  • Recovery time is quick, with most patients returning to everyday activities in three to four days.

Hear what other patients have to say about their brachytherapy treatments.


As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects to consider and discuss with your doctor.

Directly following your brachytherapy procedure, you may experience some soreness or swelling in the treatment area caused by the instruments used during the procedure. This is normal and usually lasts for only a couple of days. Your doctor can prescribe pain medication if necessary.

Other side effects may not appear until one to two weeks after your procedure. They are typically mild and vary depending on the area being treated, usually lessening in severity as the strength of the radiation decreases.

Talk to a Physician

Ready to speak with a doctor about whether brachytherapy is the right treatment for you?

Our Physician Finder can connect you with a radiation oncologist in your area who is experienced in providing brachytherapy treatment.

When you meet with your radiation oncologist, ask questions! Ask about his or her training and background and what the approach will be to working with your primary care physician. Never forget it’s your body, and you are the patient in this situation!

Not sure what questions to ask your radiation oncologist? Here are some questions to get your conversation started.

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