for nurses/rtt/dosimetrists

For Nurses

Welcome to the American Brachytherapy Society’s nursing page! ABS is proud to offer a growing collection of brachytherapy nursing content and a platform for brachytherapy nurses to come together as a community to discuss our practice and develop ongoing resources to share with one another.

In November of 2022, ABS hosted a first brachytherapy nursing specific symposium and established a platform for the nursing community within the society.  The symposium was a great success and ABS looks forward to continuing to provide ongoing educational content, both at future ABS conferences as well as during nursing-specific events. ABS Annual Congresses, while not nursing specific, will help strengthen nurses’ knowledge of the science, research and treatment delivery.  The congresses and ABS community  provide invaluable networking opportunities for  brachytherapy teams.

Historically,  brachytherapy nursing resources have been scarce. Also, as no two brachytherapy teams operate in the exact same way, finding valuable resources you can apply to your practice can be challenging. ABS is committed to creating and providing content for its members, based off of brachytherapy best practices and  input from nursing members.

Our hope is to provide a valuable platform for brachytherapy nurses everywhere and strengthen the knowledge of our practice through this community.


  • Introduction to Nursing Care for the High-Dose-Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy Patient Video
    This is a comprehensive 60 minute video presentation that introduces nurses to bedside care of the HDR brachytherapy patient population, with a special emphasis on pelvic HDR brachytherapy.
  • New to Brachytherapy Nursing? Get to know your Specialty
    A comprehensive set of questions for new nurses to ask that are joining existing brachytherapy teams. This fill-in-the blank format allows the new team member to have an idea of what questions to ask and get answers on the specifics of their team’s overall flow and practices. This will help you or your new team member to narrow your focus to learning what is most important as early as possible. No two brachytherapy programs are exactly alike!
  • Example Brachytherapy Competencies for Nurses and RTTs
    Coming Soon!