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Remembering an Extraordinary Mentor - Larissa Lee, MD

Dr. Lee’s legacy of mentorship continues to inspire us to support the next generation of physicians. In memory of Dr. Lee, we share the experiences of some of her many mentees.

"Were it not for her expertise, enthusiasm, and mentorship, I would have never imagined attending medical school and becoming a physician. Presently, I am a 3rd-year medical student, and Dr. Lee's legacy continues to serve as inspiration in how I wish to practice medicine in the future."

-Teresa Cheng, BA/MPH, Medical Student, Loyola University Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine '23, USA, former Clinical Research Coordinator in Dr. Lee's research group

“Dr. Larissa Lee was more than a mentor. She was an example of the impact that we can each have on the lives of those around us. Amidst the chaos of a busy hospital day, she was the quiet within the storm. Even now, after a difficult day, I find myself looking back through our prior correspondences. Reminding myself of the importance of listening intently, caring deeply, and being present. Her presence in my life made me a better me, and that's what I strive to do with my mentees.”

-Idalid Franco, MD, MPH, PGY5, Harvard Radiation Oncology Program, USA

“As her former clinical fellow, I keep Dr. Lee in my mind as an ultimate role model for balancing extremely high standards for treatment quality and innovation, thoughtful leadership, personalized mentorship, and dedication to individual patient needs.”

-Pierre-Yves McLaughlin, MD, FRCPC, Lecturer, McGill University Department of Oncology, Gatineau Hospital, Canada, former BWH/DFCI Brachytherapy Fellow

“I have been so blessed to have Larissa Lee as one of my primary clinical mentors when I started as an attending physician in radiation oncology. Throughout my first year on staff, she spent countless hours coaching me on how to manage patients through intensive courses of chemoradiation therapy and MRI-guided brachytherapy.  I have such fond memories during my first years here, because of her mentorship, and will do all that I can to continue her legacy as a compassionate and dedicated physician.”

-Martin King, MD, Ph.D., Radiation Oncologist, BWH/DFCI, USA

“I am so grateful to have known Dr. Lee. She made the impossible, possible, and she brought so much kindness and thoughtfulness to all that she did. She continues to be an inspiration to me.

-Lisa Singer, MD, Ph.D., Radiation Oncologist, University of California, San Francisco, USA, a former colleague at BWH/DFCI

“I feel like I was extremely lucky to have Larissa as my mentor. She was not only a mentor to me. She was an inspiration as a working woman, a dedicated family member, and a unique scientist. Her journey will always inspire me to be a better person and she will always be missed.

-Gabriela Alban, MD, Radiation Oncologist, Oncoclinicas do Brasil, former research fellow in Dr. Lee’s research group at BWH/DFCI

“Dr. Lee embodied the spirit of mentorship and was truly invested in supporting my professional aspirations. She nurtured my professional growth and development while genuinely keeping my best interests at heart. Her passion for medicine, astute clinical skills, expert technical brachytherapy skills, drive for innovative research, dedication to medical education, and leadership as a woman in medicine modeled the foundation for my career, and her legacy continues to inspire my future aspirations."

-Jenna Adleman, MD MSc FRCPC, Radiation Oncologist, Lakeridge Health, Canada, former BWH/DFCI Brachytherapy Fellow