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Nursing/RTT/Dosimetrist Webinars

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The Basics of Brachytherapy Treatment Planning

As presented August 19, 2024

Member Content | Nursing

Join Paula Berner, BS, CMD, FAAMD, for the second webinar in the series Brachytherapy 101. This series is designed to look at multiple aspects of brachytherapy with the intent of increasing the attendee’s knowledge base or providing a basic review of brachytherapy principles. This series is suitable for any member of the radiation oncology / brachytherapy team who desires to have a better understanding of brachytherapy. The Basics of Brachytherapy Treatment Planning will cover the following 4 topics; implant localization and source identification, designing a treatment plan for the patient based upon the applicators used, evaluation of dose distributions for tumor coverage and for the doses received to surrounding critical structures, and finally, evaluating the treatment plan in terms of the number of fractions for any future treatments that are to be given to the same site.

The Role of the RT in Brachytherapy

As presented April 15, 2024

Member Content | RTT


Brachytherapy 101: The What, Why, When & Where of Brachytherapy

As presented March 18, 2024

Member Content | Dosimetrist


Brachytherapy Patient Coordination 101: What Can Nurses Do?

As presented February 26, 2024

Member Content | Nursing

This webinar on brachytherapy patient coordination is intended for nurses as well as others on brachytherapy teams, including physicians. It will focus heavily on coordination of care for gynecologic and prostate interstitial brachytherapy, including timing procedures with other therapies, comorbidity management and other patient considerations. Preoperative patient education will also be addressed.