Abstract Submission Details

Share your research with an audience of your peers and discover new opportunities for collaboration by submitting your abstract for the 2023 ABS Annual Meeting. Our meeting theme is Delivering the Right Care for Everyone: Advancing Brachytherapy Access for All and the meeting will be held at the JW Marriott Vancouver June 22-24.

Share your research in Vancouver with an audience of your peers and discover new opportunities for collaboration by submitting your abstract for the 2023 ABS Annual Meeting.  For brachytherapy practitioners, this is the conference of the YEAR to attend — join your colleagues, along with brachytherapy pioneers from around the United States and from around the world, as the latest patient studies, brachytherapy techniques, and brachytherapy equipment are reviewed.


Mitchell Kamrava, MD Mitchell Kamrava, MD
2023 Scientific Program Chair

Beth Anderson, MD Beth Anderson, MD
2023 Scientific Program Vice Chair

Abstract Submission Details

Deadline: February 2, 2023 (6:00 PM Pacific)

Submission Categories

  • Breast
  • GYN
  • Physics
  • Prostate
  • Skin
  • Socioeconomics
  • Miscellaneous (Biology, GI, Intravascular, Head & Neck, Pediatrics, Sarcoma, Thoracic)
  • Radiopharmaceuticals

Submission Types

The presentation format for each abstract will be determined by the Scientific Program Committee. The types of presentations include the following:

  • Proffered Paper Session
  • Snap Oral Session
  • ePoster Sessions

Abstract Notifications

Each first author (presenting author) will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the abstract after initiating a submission and after completing a submission. The first author (presenting author) will receive a letter of notification from the Program Committee regarding its decision by March 20, 2023.

For questions about the abstract submission process, please contact Melissa Pomerene 

Abstract Submission Portal is Now Closed

Resident Travel Grant

The ABS is pleased to offer 10 Resident Travel Grants to attend #ABSBrachy23. Through a generous grant from Theragenics, 10 residents and/or fellows will have the opportunity to be awarded a Travel Grant for $500. All 2023-28 ABS Member Residents are eligible to apply for the Theragenics Travel Grant.