about abs

Mission / Vision


The ABS will serve as the leading authority in Brachytherapy standards, research, education and training that benefit cancer patients and improve their quality of life.


Goal Approach
Advance Brachytherapy Research
  • Foster and expand research focused on the field of Brachytherapy.
  • Increase the simplicity and scalability of treatment while driving down toxicity.
Authority of Standards
  • Be the Center of Excellence (COE) for Brachytherapy standards, advocacy, research, leadership.
Provide Training for BT Clinicians & Physicists
  • Provide high quality, regionalized access to Brachytherapy for all in need.
  • Groom leadership to create and sustain a competent Brachytherapy advocacy.
Education of Patient, Clinicians, Industry, Policymakers
  • Establish Brachytherapy as an equal partner and option in the cancer field.
  • Shape the health policy environment to support Brachytherapy’s ability to benefit their patients.



The ABS will inspire the advancement, communication, and application of brachytherapy science and knowledge to benefit society and improve lives.